I smile looking at this picture of David and I standing with our “igbok” shirts. Our smiles in the picture, and even the grin on my face looking at it have much to do with where we are standing…in one of the most difficult, hard, hopeless places on the planet – [lightbox title=”Lietnhom, Sudan” href=”http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?t=p&ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=9.449062,22.5&spn=60.73557,93.867188&z=4&msid=205051481327510223084.00049d4ffa9b8e43784d1″ iframe=”true”]Lietnhom, Sudan.[/lightbox]
How does one say “it’s gonna be o.k.” to a people who have lived through decades of civil war, tribal unrest, and religious oppression? Only by the gospel of Christ. The United Nations can’t deliver that message. The United States can’t deliver that message. Their own government can’t deliver that message. Only the gospel.

For in the gospel, the heart is changed – not necessarily the circumstances. And when the heart is transformed, hope is born – real hope. Hope that knows God will work out His purposes and plans.
I think I’m smiling because “igbok” is a message for just such a place as Lietnhom. And I’m smiling because David and I have had the privilege to speak that message with many we have come to love in that place.